Useful links
There are many charities and other organizations providing help and information for people affected by dementia.
National organisations
Alzheimer's Society
Offers advice and support for people with all forms of dementia and their families and carers.
Alzheimer's Scotland
Provides services and campaigns in Scotland to help people with dementia and their families and carers.
Dementia UK
An initiative to promote and develop Admiral nursing - a specialist nursing intervention focused on meeting the needs of carers and supporters of people with dementia.
Help the Aged aka AgeUK
Help the Aged campaigns for change in government policy, undertakes research into the needs of older people and provides local services in communities across the UK and overseas.
Parkinson's Disease Society
Some people with Parkinson's do develop dementia. The Society offers information, advice and support for people with Parkinson's and their families.
A National Charity providing housing and care for older people throughout the UK offering specialist care for those living with dementia and their families.
Dementia research
Alzheimer's Research Forum
A US website that reports on the latest scientific findings in Alzheimer's research.
Alzheimer's Research UK
The AR Network promotes collaboration between the UK's top centres for dementia research.
Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DenDRoN)
Facilitates the conduct of randomised prospective trials and other well-designed studies of dementia including those for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
International Journal of Epidemiology
Publishes the latest advances in this area of research which studies populations to find out about disease patterns and risk factors.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease
Publishes international results from research into the causes, disease progression, distribution, genetics, behaviour, treatment and psychology of Alzheimer's.
Stirling University Dementia Services Development Centre
Our staff of academics, health and social care professionals, researchers and event organisers provide comprehensive dementia education and training, consultancy and research services.
Wales Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (NEURODEM Cymru)
Aiming to develop a close mutually beneficial collaboration between research, health and social care.
Related resources
Across the UK today 6.5 million people are carers, supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill. That's 1 in 8 adults who care, unpaid, for family and friends. Within our lifetime, there will be 9 million carers.
National Activities Providers Association (NAPA)
NAPA is an umbrella organisation that connects, signposts, encourages and motivates anyone with an interest in lifestyle, well-being, life, love and laughter in the care sector. We try to ensure our work is evidence based and reflects current good practice.
Airports - Flying with dementia: Why the UK needs dementia friendly airports.
Association of Medical Research Charities
The Alzheimer's Research Trust is a member of this organisation which represents the UK's leading charities that fund medical research.
BBC News online health news
Is a useful resource for up-to-the-minute health news and a search facility to help you find out about the latest advances in Alzheimer's / Dementia research.
Papworth Trust
Kerry Farm situated in the stunning Welsh countryside offers supported breaks for families and friends of all ages. Our team of family coaches are available during the day to support with activities and also offer coaching sessions around dealing with dementia.
Brain Skills
Provides information on keeping your mind active and how the brain works and develops.
Dementia Adventure
Offers holiday breaks and adventure for dementia sufferers and their carers.
Provides comprehensive information on all charities in England and Wales.
Much Loved
This is a tribute website, where people can set up memorial pages for friends and loved ones who have passed away. The Alzheimer's Research Trust is a Much Loved partner.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Provides national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health. Publishes guidance on the appropriate treatment and care of people with Alzheimer's disease.
The Good Care Group - Award winning providers of live in care.
The Mede - Guest House
This is a guesthouse that offers holidays for people suffering from dementia, along with their carer.
Stairlifts Reviews is a useful site if you are considering implementing a stairlift and for making stairs in general safer.
See also this excellent resource for aids and self help ideas.
Organisations who can provide expert advice on the provision of care in the UK
General Organisations
Care Quality Commission - 03000 616161
Counselling Directory
This website is a support network of UK counsellors and psychotherapists, with information on their training and experience, areas of counselling, fees and contact details. This service is free, confidential and easy to use.
Non-UK web sites / organisations
Alzheimers Speaks is an American based site trying to do a similiar thing to us. You may find something of interest to you there.
Expertise is an American web site and whilst a lot of the information is based on legal, finacial, etc., situations as they pertain to the US, there is plenty of general information that none Americans would fine very useful.
Mattress Clarity is another American based site. Never the less, the information is equally useful this side of the pond. This one deals with the problems of sleep disorders and Dementia.
Non-dementia specific sites with useful information
Note that these sites are not necessarily UK based but the information available may still be useful / relevant.
Elderly Care Guide If you are new to caring for someone, this is a useful guide to get you started and point you in the right directions to get your questions / needs dealt with.
Household quotes and other information. Do not be misled by the name of this site. It contains a wealth of information that is not only disability related but also on how to avoid being ripped-off when carrying out any renovation and alteration work.
Transportation Resources for Older Adults
Selling a Home with Modifications for Older Adults
Assistive Technology Buying Guide
Medical Alert Systems 'A Senior's Guide To Medical Alert Systems In 2019' is another American based site but the general information will no doubt be useful to someone looking to implement such a system.
Home Organization for Newly Disabled Seniors
Business Ideas For People With Disabilities. This is yet another American based web site but the information may stimulate ideas for people in their own locations.
100+ Resources, Tips, and Discounts on Mobility and Accessibility Products for Seniors and the Disabled This is another site which will be of most use to our American readers but others may find useful information.
Alarms.org is a site run by The National Council For Home Safety and Security in America and contains useful information on personal alarm systems.