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Welcome to Rotarians Easing Problems of Dementia

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REPoD works alongside Rotary Clubs across the Great Britain and Ireland to offer practical support for families living with dementia and in social isolation.

Dementia is a condition that has a devastating effect on both the person living with the disease and their loved ones both young and old.

Social isolation is often a byproduct of dementia, but many people can become socially isolated due to other health and personal circumstances.

We hope this website will provide you with information and links that might help you develop or support local projects aimed at both supporting people living with dementia and helping to alleviate social isolation.

Read more about us...


ARUK (Alzheimer's Research UK)

REPoD is pleased to support and encourage the support of Alzheimer's Research UK.  The UK's leading dementia research charity.

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No other Dementia charity puts as much money into dementia research as Alzheimer's Research UK and they are committed to increasing the amount of research they fund year on year.  Take a look at their web site for information about dementia, fundraising and to see if your club can get involved in finding ways to overcome this devastating condition.


Memory Cafés

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Rotarian John Silver from Barnstaple Link Rotary Club receiving a Paul Harris Award for his amazing work in setting up the Memories Are Made of This Memory Café which is going from strength to strength.

John is seen here receiving his award from Ralph Gordon M.B.E., P.H.F., President of the Rotary Club of Barnstaple Link.

We maintain a directory of Memory Cafés based on information supplied by Rotarians.  If you operate or are involved in a memory café not listed, please supply the contact and location information.

We also try to keep you up-to-date with the latest Memory Café news on our Related REPoD News page.

The Alzheimer's Society also operate a comprehensive directory of cafés and other services.


The Dementia Care Guide

This booklet is a 25 page PDF document aimed primarily at Care Givers.

It is a very useful and thought provoking book that pulls no punches.

The booklet has been kindly made available by the author, Susan Phillips, who has many years as a registered nurse in mental health with a specialism in dementia.

You can download a copy here.

The Latest News

In this section we try to keep you up-to-date with the last news regarding Dementia.  If you come across something you think we shoul know about, then please contact us.

Coronavirus: Information for people affected by dementia.  Living with dementia at any time brings everyday challenges for the person and those around them.  Coronavirus is making daily life much harder.  You may feel anxious, scared or lonely.  But you are not alone - help is available.

The Alzheimer's Society have put together a wealth of information for both sufferers and their carers.  Read more...

Step-by-step guide: How to video call your family. If you are self-isolating at home, video-chatting can help you stay in touch with your friends and family.  This guide will show you how to make a video call using a smartphone, or receive one using your desktop computer - or help you explain how to do so to others.  Read more...

News archive...


Admiral Nurses

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Admiral Nurses are specialized Dementia Nurses trained and provided by Dementia UK.  Whether they are available in your part of the country is, unfortunately, something of a post code lottery.  Much more funding is required to provide nationwide coverage of these very special people.  Go to the Dementia UK web site to read more about them and how you can help.

If the person you are caring for has military connections, then it is worth contacting the British Legion to see if they can help with the provision of one of these nurses.


Finding the Light in Dementia

Finding the Light in Dementia is a Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers' is the essential self help book that helps you make sense of dementia.  By offering valuable approaches, tips and suggestions interspersed with caregiver stories, the reader can learn to care for and communicate with their loved one (care partner).  Whether you're a spouse, partner, daughter, son, sibling, friend, parent or paid caregiver, this book is for you.

The book is written by Dr. Jane M. Mullins who is a dementia nurse consultant.  Her book is here to offer support and help along the way when you or a relative or friend have received a diagnosis of dementia.  This includes Alzheimer's disease; vascular dementia; Lewy body dementia; frontotemporal dementia or Parkinson's disease dementia as well as rarer conditions.  Based on listening to and supporting caregivers for over 25 years and up to date research, She pass on her knowledge and advice to you.  If you are a caregiver, spouse, partner, daughter, son, sibling, friend or a parent, Finding the Light in Dementia is for you.

For more information on Dr. Mullins and her book, visit her website.